For students who are currently registered and have already purchased the books and assignments.
View the step by step videos below:
Access Portail Sofad (P1)
Access Portail Sofad (P2)
How to Record Orals
How to Scan your Assignments
English Language Arts Resources
To ALL students who are currently registered in Secondary 5 English.
The Quebec Ministry of Education guidelines is in the process of being revised and certain rules will change. A new rule will be applied as of November 1, 2021.
A student must complete all the courses in a level in order to pass to the next level (a student cannot be promoted without completing all the courses). Therefore, they must now also complete secondary 1,2 3 and 4 to obtain ALL their credits.. This new directive is based on the rules in the Regime Pedagogique de la formation generales des Adultes.
DEAL’s English Language Arts teachers answer your frequently asked questions
General English Language Arts questions (textbooks, tutorials, assignments)
Do I have to complete all the exercises and activities in the course textbooks?
The DEAL learning experience is unlike the classroom learning experience: DEAL students work autonomously at their own pace without attending classes. While DEAL teachers highly recommend that you complete selected activities from the course textbook in preparation for the scored assignments and module examinations, you are not obliged to do so. However, we strongly recommend that you consult the Essential Knowledge Self-assessment handouts found under the Student Resources tab on the DEAL website. Referring to these handouts will inform you of the essential knowledge needed for you to do well in the module.
Should I do tutorials for each module?
While there is no absolute answer to this question, we strongly suggest to all DEAL students that they take tutorials while studying Secondary 4 and 5 modules. Many of these modules require students to analyze and explain the technical aspects and devices of poetry, stories, plays and movies, and to write feature article, critical essays and research papers. Tutorials are a quick and effective way for DEAL students to get clarity and understanding, and taking tutorials almost always result in better learning and examination results.
How do I schedule a tutorial with my English teacher?
DEAL students can schedule tutorials with their assigned English teacher by email. Tutorials, which are around 30 minutes in duration, can be held virtually (on Google Meet or Microsoft Teams) or by phone. Drop ins are also possible. For drop ins, a student can show up directly at the centre and request a tutorial on that same day, providing the teacher is present. Please note priority is given to students who have a scheduled appointment.
Do I need to revise, redo or rewrite the scored assignments?
The answer to this question depends on the importance of the assignment – as it relates to the module examination - and the individual teacher’s demands, not to mention the DEAL student’s desire to improve. Should the quality and quantity of a submitted assignment be considered poor and in need of improvement, the teacher may ask the student to revise, redo or rewrite their work.
How do I know my teacher’s schedule?
If your teacher has not already informed you of his/her work schedule, please send him/her an email to find out.
How long does it take for a teacher to mark a scored assignment?
The English Language Arts teachers do their absolute best to mark and give feedback on scored assignments within two to three working days of the submission of the assignment, depending on their current workload.
Questions about examinations
When and how do I schedule an examination?
Once you have completed all the scored assignments for a module and received the scores from your teacher, you may schedule an exam. To do this, please go to the DEAL website, click on ‘Schedule an Exam’ and proceed. Someone from the DEAL office will contact you to confirm the day and time you have selected.
How long does it take for a teacher to mark an examination?
The English Language Arts teachers do their absolute best to mark examinations within two working days of the exam, depending on their current workload.
What happens if I do not pass my exam?
In situations where a student does not pass his/her exam, he/she will be asked to re-write a different version of the exam. The DEAL office will contact you to arrange a convenient time for you to complete the re-write.
Questions relating to English Secondary 3 courses and exams
For ENG3102-2 scored activity 3, must I do the job interview (oral part) with a partner, or can I do it alone?
The best way to complete this scored activity is for you to get a partner (a friend or relative) to play the role of the interviewer and read you the interview questions. If you cannot find anyone to do this, you may do the job interview simulation alone.
Questions relating to English Secondary 4 courses and exams
For ENG4113-3 scored activity 3, I need to write a feature article. Do you have an example of a feature article?
Yes, the DEAL English Language Arts teachers have uploaded several student-prepared models/examples to which you may refer. Go to the DEAL website, click on Student Resources, and scroll down to and click on the Secondary 4 drop box. You will see examples of feature articles here.
During the ENG4111 modules, the issue of "point of view" in the literary sense comes up. What does point of view mean in fiction vs non-fiction?
In non-fiction writing, the P.O.V. means the writer's perspective and opinion; whereas in literature (novels, stories, poems), it means either "first person singular" where the writer uses the pronoun "I", or they use the third person "he, she, or they" to denote the P.O.V. is from a detached or omniscient narrator. This distinction is important for you to make in order to avoid writing an incorrect answer.
Questions relating to English Secondary 5 courses and exams
For English and Plays (ENG5101-1) scored assignment 1, can I choose my own play? If not, where do I find the list of plays? Do I have to buy the play or find one online?
The DEAL English Language Arts program offers you two plays from which to choose. They can be found at the link below. Click on the link then on the "Secondary 5" drop box and scroll down.
For ENG5102-2 scored assignment 3 - writing a critical essay - and ENG5103-3 scored activity 3 - writing a research paper, do I have to submit an outline before I complete the assignments?
Submitting an outline beforehand is strongly advised by the DEAL English Language Arts teachers. Completing these two assignments in stages is helpful to both the student and teacher. The student can articulate and structure their ideas better by writing an outline, while the teacher can guide the student to ensure their work is of the best quality possible.
Can I bring notes to the exam room?
You may bring notes to one examination only. This exam is for ENG5102. The notes for this exam, which are checked beforehand, are related to the novel you read prior to the exam and are intended to support your writing. All other exams are written using the knowledge you acquired during the course module.
For the oral presentation of a research paper in ENG5103-3, English Research and Persuasion, can I submit an audio version, or must it be a video version? Is it ok if I attach the PowerPoint presentation with an audio?
Because the ENG5103-3 examination is a ministry examination, the presentation format must be audio-visual. Moreover, a visual representation is needed as the clarity of voice, eye contact and body movements/gestures must be assessed by the teacher. You may visit the DEAL website – Student Resources – to see student-prepared examples of video presentations and to watch guidance videos on how to produce a video presentation.
Secondary 3 - (click here)
Secondary 4 - (click here)
ENG – 4111-1
ENG – 4112-2
Secondary 5 - (click here)
ENG – 5101-1
Choose one of the following plays for your assignment:
ENG – 5102-2
English & Research Persuasion - Essential Knowledge Checklist
Oral Presentation of a Research Paper (scored activity 3) - Sample 1
Oral Presentation of a Research Paper (scored activity 3) - Sample 2
Oral Presentation of a Research Paper (scored activity 3) - Sample 3
How to add recording to a PowerPoint presentations:
How to RECORD a PowerPoint Presentation with AUDIO and VIDEO
Français, langue seconde Resources
To ALL students who are currently registered in Secondary 5 French.
The Quebec Ministry of Education guidelines is in the process of being revised and certain rules will change. A new rule will be applied as of November 1, 2021.
A student must complete all the courses in a level in order to pass to the next level (a student cannot be promoted without completing all the courses). Therefore, they must now also complete secondary 1,2 3 and 4 to obtain ALL their credits. This new directive is based on the rules in the Regime Pedagogique de la formation generales des Adultes.
Secondary 5
Allo prof - from elementary to secondary school .
BDL - La Banque de dépannage linguistique vous propose des explications, accompagnées d’exemples, sur des difficultés de la langue de tous les jours. Faites-en votre référence pour des réponses claires et facilement accessibles.
Le Grand Dictionnaire terminologique -Le Grand dictionnaire terminologique (GDT) est une banque de fiches terminologiques rédigées par l’Office québécois de la langue française ou des partenaires de l’Office. Chaque fiche renseigne sur un concept lié à un domaine d’emploi spécialisé et présente les termes qui le désignent en français, en anglais et, parfois, dans d’autres langues.
Dictionary - Translate words or phrases from any page with examples in context
Synonymes- Synonymes francais
French Grammar & Text- Welcome to Tex's French Grammar (la grammaire de l'absurde), a pedagogical reference grammar that combines explanations with surreal dialogues and cartoon images. Originally built for students at the University of Texas at Austin as a user-friendly guide to French grammar, this web site may be profitably used by any learner of French, provided he or she possess a sense of humor.
Mathematics Resources
Math Help Services – Curriculum aligned video instruction, walked-through examples, questions with detailed video solutions and self-testing features (Fees apply for Math Help Services - please speak to our Education Counsellor)
Ms. Short's Math Website - A variety of lessons and homework
TED Ed Videos – Discover video-based lessons organized by subjects or themes
Khan Academy Math – Practice exercises and instructional videos
CK-12 Foundation – Library of online videos and exercises
Desmos – Online/app graphing calculator with pre-made examples and graphing activities
Explore Learning Gizmos – Online simulations with lesson materials
The Free Math Tutor - Video-based lessons split by module
Grade 10 Math - Notes, video lessons and quizzes
Science Resources
Khan Academy Science – Practice exercises and instructional videos
Chalkbored - Chemistry – Powerpoint lessons, handouts, labs, worksheets
Chemistry – Crash Course Youtube playlist
Chemistry Fiesta – Tutorials and worksheets
Physics – Crash Course Youtube playlist
The Physics Classroom - Notes and tutorials
TED Ed Videos – Discover video-based lessons organized by subjects or themes
ExploreLearning Gizmos – Online simulations with lesson materials
Computer Science Resources
TED Ed Videos – Discover video-based lessons organized by subjects or themes
Youtube – Browse by topic for step by step tutorials