Examination Specifications
Number of Parts, Sections, Weighting, Duration and Authorized Materials.
English Language Arts
Français, langue seconde
Secondary 1
ENG – 1101-4 Informed Choices
Section - Interacting Orally (20%)
Section - Listening (30%)
Section - Reading (25%)
Section - Writing (25%)
o Duration: 185 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English-English dictionary, Thesaurus
ENG – 1102-2 Enjoyment and Entertainment I
Section - Interacting Orally (20%)
Section - Listening (30%)
Section - Reading (25%)
Section - Writing (25%)
o Duration: 185 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English-English dictionary, Thesaurus
Secondary 1
FRE – 1103-3 Propos liés à la consommation
Section - Expression et demande orale (60%)
Section - Interpretation de l'oral et de l'écrit (40%)
o Durée: 65 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue ou dictionnaire unilingue français
FRE – 1104-3 Propos liés à l'environnement physique et social
Section - Expression orale (40%)
Section - Expression écrite (15%)
Section - Interprétation de l'oral et de l'ecrit (45%)
o Durée: 120 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue ou dictionnaire unilingue français, Recueil de conjugaison, Grammaire
Secondary 2
ENG – 2101-2 Enjoyment and Entertainment II
Section - Interacting Orally (20%)
Section - Listening (25%)
Section - Reading (30%)
Section - Writing (25%)
o Duration: 185 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English-English dictionary, Thesaurus
ENG – 2102-4 Rights and Responsibilities
Section - Interacting Orally (20%)
Section - Listening (25%)
Section - Reading (30%)
Section - Writing (25%)
o Duration: 185 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English-English dictionary, Thesaurus
Secondary 2
FRE – 2102-3 Propos liés au monde du travail
Section - Expression orale (40%)
Section - Expression écrite (15%)
Section - Interpretation de l'oral et de l'écrit (45%)
o Durée: 120 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue ou dictionnaire unilingue français, Recueil de conjugaison, Grammaire
Secondary 3
ENG 3101-1 English and Interviews
Part 1: Reads and Listens (60%)
View a filmed interview; analyze and interpret
o Duration: 120 minutes + (additional time for viewing the filmed interview)
o Authorized Materials: English Dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Uses Language (40%)
Role-play situation with teacher
o Duration: 60 minutes (50 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes for the interview)
ENG 3102-2 English and the World of Work
Part 1: Produces Texts (50%)
Write a 200 word letter of application
o Duration: 90 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Uses Language (50%)
Role-play situation with teacher
o Duration: 60 minutes (50 minutes to rehearse and 10 minutes for the interview)
ENG 3103-3 English and Persuasion
Part 1: Uses Language (25%), Reads and Listens (25%)
Understanding and interpreting a persuasive ad and providing an oral critique
o Duration: 90 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Produces Texts (50%)
Write a 300 word letter of complaint
o Duration: 90 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Secondary 3
FRE 3101-1 Participer à une conversation
Partie 1: Interagir en français (100%)
Interaction entre l’adulte et l’enseignant(e) après avoir lu des textes totalisant 400 mots
o Durée: environ 43 minutes (environ 40 minutes pour la préparation et 3 minutes pour la discussion)
o Matériel autorisé: Durant la préparation à l’interaction - Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
FRE 3102-1 Découvrir l'univers médiatique
Partie 1: Comprendre des textes variés à l’écrit et à l’oral (100%)
L’adulte écoute la lecture de 3 textes médiatiques et répond au questionnaire
L’adulte lit 2 textes d’environ 100 mots chacun et répond à un questionnaire
o Durée: 90 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
FRE 3103-1 Présenter un passe-temps et en discuter
Partie 1: Interagir en français (60%)
L’adulte participe à un échange verbal spontané
o Durée: 13 minutes (10 minutes pour la préparation et 3 minutes pour l’échange verbal)
o Matériel autorisé: Durant la préparation: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Produire des textes variés à l’oral (40%)
L’adulte présente un exposé oral
o Durée: 18 minutes (15 minutes pour la préparation et 3 minutes pour l’exposé oral)
FRE 3104-1 Comprendre et transmettre des directives
Partie 1: Comprendre des textes variés à l’écrit et à l’oral (60%)
L’adulte écoute des messages oraux et lis deux textes d’environ 100 mots pour répondre à un questionnaire
o Durée: 90 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Produire des textes variés à l’écrit (40%)
L’adulte rédige un texte informatif ou incitatif de 75 mots
o Durée: 60 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français, Grammaire, Ouvrage sur la conjugaison
FRE 3105-1 S'informer sur la santé et en discuter
Partie 1: Interagir en français (80%)
L’adulte lit des textes qui totalisent 450 mots et participe à un entretien avec l’enseignant(e)
o Durée: 60 minutes pour la préparation et 3 à 4 minutes pour l’entretien
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Comprendre des textes variés à l’écrit (20%)
L’adulte lit un texte d’environ 450 mots et répond à un questionnaire
o Durée: 90 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
FRE 3106-1 Raconter un événement
Partie 1: Produire des textes variés à l’écrit (100%)
L’adulte rédige un texte de 150 mots
o Durée: 120 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français, Grammaire, Ouvrage sur la conjugaison
Secondary 4
ENG 4111-1 English in Poems and Songs
Part 1: Reads and Listens (70%)
Short-answer responses to questions about poems and/or songs
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Uses Language (30%)
Delivery of poem(s) or song(s) and a personal response to the texts(s) chosen by answering the guiding question
o Duration: 45 minutes (40 minutes to prepare, 2 minutes to deliver, 3 minutes for personal response)
ENG 4112-2 English and the World of Story
Part 1: Reads and Listens (50%)
View a movie
Short answer responses to 5 questions
o Duration: 90 minutes + (additional time for viewing the movie)
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Produces Texts (50%)
Write a 350 word movie review
o Duration: 90 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
ENG 4113-3 English to Inform
Part 1: Reads and Listens (30%)
Short answer responses to 3 questions
o Duration: 90 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Produces Texts (40%)
Write a 350 word report based on the issue in Part 1
o Duration: 75 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 3: Uses Language (30%)
Role play situation
o Duration: 45 minutes (42 minutes to prepare for the oral report and 3 minutes to deliver the oral report)
Secondary 4
FRE 4101-1 Consommer des biens et des services
Partie 1: Interagir en français (70%)
Interaction entre l’adulte et l’enseignant(e)
o Durée: 30 minutes (25 minutes pour préparation et 4 à 5 minutes pour l’interaction)
o Matériel autorisé: Durant la préparation à l’interaction - Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Comprendre des textes variés à l’écrit (30%)
L’adulte lit un texte d’environ 600 mots et répond à un questionnaire
o Durée: 90 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
FRE 4102-1 Présenter un projet et en discuter
Partie 1: Interagir en français (70%)
L’adulte participe à une conversation spontanée avec l’enseignant(e)
o Durée: 19 minutes (15 minutes pour la préparation et environ 4 minutes pour l’interaction)
o Matériel autorisé: Durant la préparation à l’interaction - Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Produire des textes variés à l’oral (30%)
L’adulte présente son travail devant l’enseignant(e)
o Durée: 18 minutes (15 minutes pour la préparation et environ 3 minutes pour l’exposé oral)
FRE 4103-1 Lire et produire des lettres
Partie 1: Comprendre des textes variés à l’écrit (40%)
L’adulte lit un texte d’environ 200 mots et répond à un questionnaire
o Durée: 90 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Produire des textes variés à l’écrit (60%)
L’adulte produit une lettre d’environ 150 mots
o Durée: 90 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français, Dictionnaire de synonymes, Grammaire, Ouvrage sur la conjugaison
FRE 4104-1 Explorer l’histoire et la culture
Partie 1: Comprendre des textes variés à l’oral (60%)
L’adulte écoute un message oral d’environ 5 minutes et répond à des questions
o Durée: 60 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Partie 2: Produire des textes variés à l’écrit (40%)
L’adulte lit des fiches de renseignements et rédige un texte de 200 mots
o Durée: 120 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français, Dictionnaire de synonymes, Grammaire, Ouvrage sur la conjugaison
Secondary 5
ENG 5101-1 English and Plays
Part 1: Reads and Listens (60%)
View a play
Short-answer responses to questions about theater and plays
o Duration: 120 minutes + (additional time for viewing the theatrical play)
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Uses Language (40%)
Perform a monologue and deliver a personal response
o Duration: 45 minutes (40 minutes to prepare, 2 minutes for monologue, 3 minutes for personal response)
ENG 5102-2 English and Written Narratives
Part 1: Produces Texts (60%)
Write a 200-300 word alternate ending
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 2: Reads and Produces Texts (40%)
Write a 500-600 word critical essay
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus , *Novel, *Personal reading notes on novel (notes cannot be from an internet source) - All notes will be kept with your exam.
*Paper format
ENG 5103-3 English Research and Persuasion
Part 1: Uses Language (40%)
Deliver a formal oral presentation on research paper
o Duration: 30 minutes (22 minutes to set up, and 8 minutes for the presentation)
o Authorized Materials: Notes, outlines, cue cards, flip chart, any presentation software, and any other practical resources
Part 2: Reads and Listens (20%)
Write a 200-300 comparative analysis
o Duration: 80 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Part 3: Produces Texts (40%)
Write a 500-600 word argumentative essay
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized Materials: English dictionary, Thesaurus
Secondary 5
FRE 5101-1 Comprendre et émettre des opinions
Partie 1: Comprendre des textes variés à l’écrit (70%)
L’adulte lit un texte d’opinion de 750 mots et répond à un questionnaire
o Durée: 120 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire unilingue français, Dictionnaire bilingue
Partie 2: Interagir en français (30%)
L’adulte participe à un échange verbal avec l’enseignant(e) sur le dossier de lecture relatif
o Durée: 60 minutes (55 minutes pour la préparation et de 4 à 5 minutes pour l’interaction)
o Matériel autorisé: Durant la préparation à l’interaction - Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
FRE 5102-1 Produire des textes narratifs
Partie 1: Produire des textes variés à l’écrit (100%)
L’adulte produit un texte narratif d’au moins 250 mots
o Durée: 180 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français, Dictionnaire de synonymes, Grammaire, Ouvrage sur la conjugaison
FRE 5103-2 Communiquer pour trouver un emploi
Partie 1: Produire des textes variés à l’écrit (30%)
L’adulte rédige une lettre de présentation de 200 mots
o Durée: 120 minutes
o Matériel autorisé: Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français, Dictionnaire de synonymes, Grammaire, Ouvrage sur la conjugaison
Partie 2: Interagir en français (70%)
L’adulte participe à une simulation d’entrevue de 5 à 7 minutes avec l’enseignant(e)
o Durée: 37 minutes (30 minutes pour la préparation et de 5 à 7 minutes pour l’interaction)
o Matériel autorisé: Durant la préparation à l’interaction - Dictionnaire bilingue, Dictionnaire unilingue français
Secondary 1
MTH 1101-3 Finance and Arithmetic
o Duration: 150 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Regular or scientific calculator
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH 1102-3 Statistics and Probability
o Duration: 150 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Regular or scientific calculator
Geometry set
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
Science and Technology
TSC – 4061-2 The Energy Challenge
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Design an object in a laboratory
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
TSC – 4062-2 Climate Change
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Experiment in a laboratory
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
TSC – 4063-2 Mechanization of Work
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Design and make an object in a laboratory
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
TSC – 4064-2 Waste Management
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Experiment in a laboratory
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Secondary 2
MTH 2101-3 Algebraic Modelling
o Duration: 150 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Regular or scientific calculator
Geometry set
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH 2102-3 Geometric Representations and Transformations
o Duration: 150 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Regular or scientific calculator
Geometry set
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
CHE – 5061-2 Chemistry: Gases and Energy
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Experiment in a laboratory
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
CHE – 5062-2 Chemistry: Kinetics and Equilibrium
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Experiment in a laboratory
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Secondary 3
MTH 3051-2 Algebraic and Graphical Modelling
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH 3052-2 Data Collection
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH 3053-2 Geometric Representation
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
PHS – 5061-2 Optics and Kinematics
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Experiment in a laboratory
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
PHS – 5062-2 Forces and Mechanical Energy
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short and long answer questions (20%) and situational problems (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Experiment in a laboratory
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Secondary 4: Cultural, Social & Technical Option
MTH 4151-1 Algebraic and Graphical Modelling in a General Context
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 4152-1 Data Collection in a General Context
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 4153-2 Geometric Representation in a General Context
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
BLG – 5070-2 Applied Genetics
Theory Part (60%)
Series of short-answer and essay-type questions (20%) and carries out tasks related to the issues (40%)
o Duration: 120 minutes
o Authorized materials: Ordinary or scientific calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Practical Part (40%)
Various tasks to be carried out
A model representing the problem to be solved using a modelling approach.
o Duration: 180 minutes
Secondary 4: Science Option
MTH – 4271-2 Algebraic and Graphical Modelling in a Fundamental Context – 2nd Edition
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 4272-2 Data Collection in a Fundamental Context
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 4273-2 Geometric Representation in a Fundamental Context 1
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
Secondary 5: Cultural, Social & Technical Option
MTH – 5150-2 Optimization in a General Context
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 5151-1 Algebraic and Graphical Modelling in a General Context 2
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 5152-1 Vote Distribution Models and Random Experiments
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
Secondary 5: Science Option
MTH – 5170-2 Optimization in a Fundamental Context
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 5171-1 Algebraic and Graphical Modelling in a Fundamental Context 2
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
MTH – 5173-1 Geometric Representation in a Fundamental Context 2
Section 1: Application questions: series of short and long-answer questions (20%)
Section 2: Problem-solving tasks (80%)
o Duration: 180 minutes
o Authorized Materials:
Scientific or graphic display calculator (Data and programs stored in the calculator's memory must be erased before and after the examination)
Memory aid (one-sided 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper, examples and formulas may be included, handwritten or typed (12-point font single spaced) – approved by the teacher)
Social Universe
History: Compulsory
HST-4103-2 - History of Québec and Canada: 1840-1945
Part 1 - Appropriate use of knowledge (68%)
17 short-answer questions based on the analysis of a document file
Part 2 - Coherent representation of a period in the history of Quebéc and Canada (16%)
One constructed-response question based on the analysis of a document file
Part 3 - Rigour of the interpretation (16%)
One constructed-response question based on the analysis of a document file
o Duration: 180 minutes
HST-4104-2 - History of Québec and Canada: From 1945 to our times
Part 1 - Appropriate use of knowledge (68%)
17 short-answer questions based on the analysis of a document file
Part 2 - Coherent representation of a period in the history of Quebéc and Canada (16%)
One constructed-response question based on the analysis of a document file
Part 3 - Rigour of the interpretation (16%)
One constructed-response question based on the analysis of a document file
o Duration: 180 minutes
Computer Sciences
CMP – 5053-3 Introduction to Computer Software
o Duration: 120 minutes
CMP – 5054-4 Introduction to Microsoft Paint
o Duration: 90 minutes
CMP – 5067-1 Word Processing: Styles and Layout
o Duration: 180 minutes
CMP – 5068-1 Word Processing: Sections and Tables
o Duration: 180 minutes
CMP – 5069-1 Electronic Spreadsheets: Calcul. & Data Presentation Basics
o Duration: 180 minutes
CMP – 5070-1 Electronic Spreadsheets: Data Analysis
o Duration: 180 minutes
Contemporary World
SST-5101-2 - Contemporary World Problems and Issues I
Part 1: Writing: Interprets a contemporary world problem (80%)
A series of short-answer questions and one essay question
o Duration: 180 minutes
Part 2: Oral: Expression of a well-founded opinion (20%)
One short answer question
o Duration: approximately 30 minutes
Duration of preparation : approximately 15 minutes
Duration of the individual oral presentation: approximately 5 minutes
Duration of the oral interaction (discussion): approximately 10 minutes
SST-5102-2 - Contemporary World Problems and Issues II
Part 1: Writing: Interprets a contemporary world problem (80%)
A series of short-answer questions and one essay question
o Duration: 180 minutes
Part 2: Expression of a well-founded opinion (20%)
One short answer question
o Duration: approximately 30 minutes
Duration of preparation : approximately 15 minutes
Duration of the individual oral presentation: approximately 5 minutes
Duration of the oral interaction (discussion): approximately 10 minutes
Spheres of Genetic Competencies
o Please speak to the Education Counsellor regarding any information.